Death and Life
屋久島の森で見た樹々の死と生の交わりを陶芸で再現しようと考えた。 金網を粘土と絡めて焼成し、更に釉薬を加えると金網が土や釉薬と反応してキノコのような発泡が生まれ、焼き上がったテクスチャは大地から生まれた樹の表面を想起させる。 金属と土と釉薬の反応が美しく融合し、その化学反応を生命の隆盛に見立てた。
NANAMI clays sculptures at the Kyoto University of Arts, where she received her BA Fine Art and majored in Sculpting. She continues to use clay as a primary material to create her artwork. She is currently working as a contemporary ceramic artist while studying for her Master's degree at the Tokyo University of the Arts.
She creates artwork based on her fieldwork on the island of Yakushima, where trees over 2000 years old compete for survival.
She tries to express the interplay of "death and life" of the Yaku cedar trees in her ceramic art.
She uses her hands to sculpt, mix wire netting, clay and finish them with her distinctive blend of slips and glazes.
Adding glaze to them causes a chemical reaction with wire netting to foam like a mushroom.It expresses the bark of a tree which is born from mother earth.
During the firing process, a chemical reaction occurs. During this process it is alive and moving, but when it cools down, it stops moving and is dead.
She believes that the process of making this work itself recreates the "death and life" of Yakusugi.